Fall is upon us, or so I hear. It’s hard to tell here on the Texas Gulf Coast. It’s been in the 90s for weeks with indices over 100 degrees.
I’m looking forward to the cooler fall Texas days of highs in the upper 80s/lower 90s. I love the warm weather, but not quite as hot as it has been.
Nonetheless, fall it is, and it’s time to make my list of things I want to accomplish in the next couple of months.
I have never done a“bucket list” before, but this year, I am joining Leslie, from Once Upon A Time & Happily Ever After for a LINKUP where she and other writers share their fall bucket lists.
Since this is my first “BUCKET LIST” I will get right to it. I will be sure to share my progress later in the season!
- Write, video and publish the next post in my GENEALOGY RESEARCH SERIES
- Finish my video/post BOHO STACKING BRACELETS
- Visit a craft show
- Make a list of DIY projects for Christmas gift baskets I make for my family
- Attend grandkids ballgame
- Make a Halloween Gnome
- Write a post about homemade Halloween costumes featuring my grandbabies
- See a movie and dinner with my sister
- Start my “100 Things I’m Grateful For” list
- Try a new local restaurant
- Make a fishnet photo display for my beach decorated RV
- Visit the Gulf Coast Museum
- Finish Halloween painted rocks and post about them
- Make new pins for older posts
- Write about an Angel story my family experienced
- Write an RV related post
- Organize photos and save to 2 locations
- Complete a paint project
- Organize my ribbon stash to carry in my RV
Since I have never written a “BUCKET LIST”, and this one seems more like a “to-do” list, I am anxious to see how this works out for me.
Will sharing this list with others publicly make me accountable for actually doing the things I listed? We shall see.
What about you? Have you ever made a “BUCKET LIST”? What sort of things are on YOUR list?
Leave your reply.