This time of the year puts a lot of us in gratitude mode. There are some of us that make lists of what we are grateful for, I am one of them. While expressing thanks around the Thanksgiving table is something my family does, Thanksgiving is not the only time I list my blessings. I have a gratitude journal, and I keep a running list of things I am grateful for along with some journaling.
I will have to admit, my gratitude journal is not a journal I write in every day, but that is not to say I am not grateful every day. So, like many others, the season has me thinking more about the blessings in my life. This post will be the first post of the season that talks about some of those blessings.

1)I am eternally grateful that my heavenly Father loves me enough that He sent Jesus so that I didn’t have to perish. There are just no words big enough to express the magnitude of the love God has for us, and 2) I am grateful that He is that kind of God.
3) I am grateful for God’s grace. Grace is God’s loving favor that we haven’t earned. Accepting Jesus, accepting the grace offered at the cross, with thanksgiving, opens our hearts to freely receive all that God chooses to bless us with. We don’t have to be good enough, or perfect enough to receive His favor. Grace
4)I am grateful for God’s mercy. Mercy is when you DON’T get what you deserve. I am thankful for the cross, because of the cross, I don’t get what I deserve.
My family is always at the top of my list of blessings that I thank God for.
5)I am married to my best friend, who happens to be a wonderful man. My sweet hubby is such a blessing to me. He is an awesome husband, father, and PawPaw.
6) and 7)I have 6 beautiful daughters and 16 perfectly amazing grandchildren. After my first granddaughter was born, I worried that I could never love another child as much as I loved her. But God designed our hearts to divide and multiply with each new baby that came along. She now has her own baby, one of two beautiful great-granddaughters. My heart swells with the same love every time a new grandbaby is born. It’s amazing how that works.
8)I am grateful for my Christian parents that taught me about Jesus. We didn’t always get everything right, but one thing is for certain, we were taught about Jesus, and for that, I am so grateful.
9)I am grateful for my grandparents that told their family histories and urged me to write them down. Because of them, I have devoted 40 years to researching my family history.
10) I am grateful that God gave me a sister, that is my best friend. Of course, we don’t agree on every single thing, (probably on 98% of everything) but we always have each other’s backs. I am so blessed that I can call her anytime I need or want to.

The next items are in no particular order. Of course, there are those blessings that have higher priority over others, but I won’t attempt to order them by priority. Instead, maybe I will categorize them by related themes.
I started this list for this particular post back in August, so I will start with what I was feeling grateful for then.
11)I am grateful for the warm weather in Texas. This girl is a summer girl, and I love all things that come along with it. I can do hot weather much better than I can do cold.
I am thankful for these warm-weather things: (12-19)
- the beach
- flip flops
- seashells
- ice cream
- sunrise
- the sound of the waves
- wildflowers
- fresh produce
As I mentioned earlier, I am so grateful for my hubby. Here are some reasons I appreciate him so much and am thankful:(20-26)
- Friday night date night
- he brings me flowers
- he makes me laugh
- he brings me fountain drinks
- I am so thankful for the opportunity I’ve had to travel with him
- I am thankful he likes for me to go fishing with him
- he sends me songs he likes that remind him of us
- he helps me do things when I am not quite up to par
27)My girls and grandchildren all have been involved with sports and we have been blessed to be able to watch them all play ball. I am grateful for family times at the ball fields.
28)I am grateful for being able to spend time crafting with my grandbabies. Almost all of the grandchildren enjoy crafting, specifically painting.
29) I am thankful for the heroes in my life. My dad was probably my first hero. He told me I could be anything I wanted to be.
30) I am grateful for my daughter’s service as a Police Officer. She sacrifices daily to serve her community. I am grateful for my daughter that is a nurse, professionally, and to our whole family. I am grateful for my daughter that is a full-time mom that took on kids that she didn’t have to love, but did. I am grateful for three bonus daughters that I have loved as my own. I am so proud of all my girls
31) I am grateful for soldiers that didn’t know me but died so that I might live free in America.
32) I am grateful that I can still go to church and freely worship God.
33) I am grateful for a church family that I can count on to be prayer warriors when needed.
34) I am grateful for my 5 sisters in law, that are not only family but great friends.
35) I am grateful for my cousins that were my first friends.
36) I am grateful for my “soul sisters”, you know who you are.

This post contains over 50 things I am grateful for, but by no means is it a complete list. I count them all as blessings.
I will be linking this post to some parties. You can click here to see where I party.
Until Next Time!

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