Halloween is almost upon us. It is the season of spooks and all things creepy. I have never really decorated for Halloween but I do paint rocks.
I paint rocks for all occasions, all holidays, or for no reason at all. I paint rocks because it’s the perfect combination of two of my favorite things.
Some of you reading this may know what a rock hound I am. I see rocks everywhere I go, and so many of our adventures involve rock hunting.
My second favorite thing is painting. I paint everything. My girls have said many times jokingly, that I would have painted them if they had stood still long enough. (maybe they weren’t joking) I did paint them! I learned face-painting skills by practicing on my girls.
So I have combined two of my favorite things rocks and paint. And wouldn’t you know it, I even paint Halloween rocks! I like to paint rocks and hide them for others to find. Sorta like hiding Easter eggs, and you get to keep the prize rock if you find one!
Here is a sampling of them.
One of my daughters collects Skellington, so I painted these for her.

Candy corn rocks seem to be a favorite. You can see the mischief in their faces.

These little spooky guys are so much fun to paint. You can turn any shaped rock into a ghost. Easy peasy!

These little peepers can be found in flowerpots or anywhere else that a peeper might hide.

Sugar Skulls are everywhere these days.

Mummys are easy to paint. No special rocks for this project. Any rock can be a mummy!

Rocks are so much fun to paint. You don’t have to be an artist to create fun art on rocks!
This post may be linked to these parties! You can see where I party here!
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