Acrylic paint pouring is an art technique that’s relatively new to me. I’ve experimented with Paint pouring a few times and have really enjoyed it.
For those who haven’t heard of this technique, it’s a technique that involves mixing acrylic paint and a pouring medium that is poured onto a surface and tilted in different directions causing the paint to have a fluid action. This method creates free form paintings that have cells, waves and swirls.
I have been a painter for as long as I can recall, certainly from my teenage years and for as long as I can remember, I have never been influenced by abstract art in any way. In fact, I have been mostly annoyed by abstract art. My artistic inclination has always been very detail-oriented and not up for interpretation.
I was really going out on a limb to even consider dabbling with acrylic paint pouring. But I’ll have to say that I have enjoyed this technique immensely! I love the flowing motion of the paint and the element of surprise with the final result! Every painting I have done using this technique has been a joy. Not knowing how the painting will turn out is not as overwhelming as I first thought. Controlling even my painting outcomes is part of my nature. So letting go, and watching the paint in motion do its thing has been therapeutic!
This summer I have been planning painting projects to do with my grandkids. Every summer I try to get them and spend some time painting and this summer was no different.
When Matti called to say that she was recovered from her 4 wheeler accident enough to come stay with us for a week I was elated! I started looking for ideas for us to paint.

One of the first things she said when she got to our camper was “what are we going to craft Mawmaw?” She kept admiring my poured paint canvases and was really interested in how it was done. So we decided to make acrylic paint pouring our next project!
I wasn’t sure how Matti would enjoy such an abstract project but I thought we would give it a try.
We were camped on beautiful Caddo Lake, in Oil City Louisiana. Matti wanted to paint outdoors at the picnic table. Yes, it was scorching outdoors, but there was a cover over the picnic table and the breeze off the lake made it almost comfortable.
I set up everything we needed and let Matti pick out the paint colors she wanted. She chose 5 colors.

We set up our work area. I bought these little miniature solo cups at the Dollar Tree. They are about 2 inches tall. I placed an old refrigerator rack on top of the little cups and placed the blank canvases on the rack.

Paint pouring is a very fluid technique and the tilting the canvases causes the paint to run off the edges of the canvases so we elevate them so the paint can drip off and not stick the canvases to the table.
I positioned my videoing setup over my work area and secured my phone in the brackets. My hubby built this little PVC overhead camera set up so I could video my craft projects. Its lightweight, easy to assemble and disassemble, and takes up very little space in our camper.

I forgot to take a pic of it at the picnic table but you can see it here in the floor of the camper.
Of course, Matti had to test the camera frame area by snapping a pic of herself under the camera.

We poured paint into cups and added an equal amount of Floetrol and stirred.

Add a couple of drops of Coconut Milk Hair Serum to each cup. The hair serum is what makes the cells in this painting.

Layer your colors into another cup, do not stir. Add white to separate layers if you wish.

Matti loved doing this project! Her surprise when she flipped the cup was priceless!
This was a great project to do with my granddaughter and it was quick and easy! I am certain that we will do more flip cup acrylic pours!
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