My good friend, Grammy Dee, from Grammy’s Grid, hosts a blogger’s link party based on story prompts.
This story is a writing exercise and is linked to Grammy’s Grid – Short Story Prompt Link Party 19. This is how it works…
- write a short story using the short story prompt she provides
- publish your post
- then add it to the link party HERE
This month’s prompt is … The movie was interesting but…
Here is my story.
A Liberation Story
The movie was interesting but it brought back the sadness I felt when Nelly told us her story so long ago. The film was A LIBERATION STORY, about the Holocaust in Germany.
The Jewish families were being rounded up and put in cattle cars that were bound for concentration camps.
I had heard about those camps. As a young child, my friend’s mother told us how she and her parents were put on that train. How the Nazi soldiers destroyed their beautiful home and took away everything of value.
Nelly cried when she told how they killed her Grandfather because he would not give up his wedding ring.
There was so much sadness. Nelly and her family were separated when they got to the camp.
The men were inspected for labor prospects. The women and children were prepared for “disinfecting”, a term that was used for the gas chamber.
They had been at the camp, only a few hours when a great commotion was heard. Ukranian soldiers descended on them and took control of the camp. Just moments before Nelly and her mother were to be sent to the gas chambers, they had been rescued!
Nelly was quickly reunited with her parents and were given a train ride back to their home town. Their home had been burned to the ground.
Her father was fearful that horror was not completely over, so he planned their escape.
Nelly and her parents were able to obtain papers and were allowed to go to America.
Nelly cried as she told us her story. She held her little tattered American flag close to her heart and whispered, “God Bless this America”.
And I cried as I watched the movie about her life.

This post will be linked to some blog parties. You can see where I party here!
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