Who is God? We all have some idea of what and who God is. As a child, and even as a young adult, I thought of God as a bearded old man sitting on a throne with a bat, just waiting for me to mess up so he could smack me. As I got older I began to realize that the image I carried in my head for so many years was NOT what God really is.
But the Reality Is…
The reality is that God is a good good Father and He desires a relationship with us, his children. Our heavenly Father never meant for us to be independent of Him. The scriptures are clear that he loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. He is our heavenly Father, and we are his children and we were designed to need Him.
Jesus told us in Matthew 6:9-13, exactly how to pray. JESUS said in verse 11 to ask God for food for that day. God is a loving God and he wants to provide for us. Like children, we can depend on Him to supply our needs.

We are empty without Him
Many of us go through life longing for something more than what we have experienced. We need something, or someone to make us feel loved, or safe. It no accident that we have that ‘incompleteness” in our lives. God made us to long for him. He desires to fill that emptiness in our hearts with his love. He wants us to look for Him. To continually seek his presence, and his strength is exactly what God wants us to do! 1 Chronicle 16:11
He loves us and is a good good father. This song speaks to me about His perfect love for me and all of His children.
Choose this day to believe in His Holy perfect love.

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