Have You Found a Painted Rock?
Have you found a rock! That’s right – rocks – painted rocks! Found in regular places like a park or at the grocery store?
If you have found one of these painted rocks hidden in plain sight, then welcome to the newest craze! Have you heard about it? Its all about hide and seek with rocks.
A Rock Hound from Way Back!
First of all, let me say that I am an avid rock collector. In fact, I come from a long line of rock hounds and its been a family affair for at least 60 yrs that I know of, maybe longer. My parents love rocks, and so did both of my grandmothers, so its probably in my DNA. But I am talking about a step beyond just picking up interesting rocks, I’m talking about PAINTING rocks!
These are just ordinary rocks I picked up in Kansas. Ted’s truck was loaded down, and he locked the doors and the bed covering so I couldnt take anymore rocks home. I lined his running boards with my rocks. He had to open the doors sooner or later, and when he did, my rocks went in the truck! They were perfect for painting!
Painted Rocks!
If there is one thing I enjoy as much as I enjoy collecting rocks, it’s painting! My daughters say I will paint anything that stands still long enough for me to slap some paint on it, so combining my love for rocks and painting puts me in hobby heaven!
I paint rocks with inspiring sayings or pictures on them. Some are funny and meant to bring a smile. Messages should be positive or encouraging. It feels good to be kind and leave an uplifting gift for strangers who might find my rocks.

The Process
There are 3 steps to this new craze:
- painting a rock
- hiding a painted rock
- connecting with the person that finds your painted rock
If you find a painted rock, be sure to look on the back of it. My rocks have a label on the back with my website or my facebook URL. You can click here to go to my Facebook page to post a pic of you and the rock and where you found it. Be sure to add the #graceforagypsy hashtag. We travel with hubby’s work and leave painted rocks everywhere we go. Sometimes the rocks get relocated when they are found and its cool to know where they end up.

Keep It or Re-hide It
If you find one of my painted rocks and you love it, you can keep it, I will feel honored. Or, if you like spreading kindness you can re-hide it for the next person to find. But whatever you decide, be sure to let us know you found it!
The fun for me is in the painting and leaving a rock that may make someone smile a little. You never know who just might need a little bit of encouragement.
Want to Paint Rocks?
You can paint on these rocks with acrylic paints or markers. I usually spray paint a base coat of white or black, or whatever color you have. This sort of seals up some of the uneven surface and helps when painting fine details.
You can find markers and paints that are great for painting rocks at Walmart or Amazon.
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